Friday, August 10, 2007

Well, here we go...

So, here I sit on a long, boring, conference call again. I'm listening to someone from across the world tell me how well his project is going. It's going well, if anyone cares.

Alex starts school on Monday, yes, on August 13th when we expect the temperatures to reach a sweltering 100 degrees. Makes you wonder who in the hell makes the decision to send kids back to school before labor day. Come on folks.. 3 weeks of school in August. Yeah, it's nice that they get out in may, but I would rather have them going in June than have the schools paying to air condition the rooms. But that's just me.

Ethan is back at pre-school as of Monday. He was very excited to see his friends and probably play with someone other than Alex. He's so funny, before he leaves each day he goes into Alex's room and kisses him goodbye.

Should be an interesting weekend. The weather is calling for highs in the high 90's to low 100's, with code red air quality. So playing outside is out of the question. But I have to get the kids out of the house or it will be a torturous weekend.

The videos on the blog are of my baby sister's new baby. Logan Hosmer. Call it a Uncle being proud, but damn I have cute nieces and nephews, and sons too.

Well, that's all for now.. more later.

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